Thursday, 2 December 2010

HRBA Portal - UN Practitioner's Portal on HRBA Programming

Dear all, today I came into across to the HRBA Portal which is a portal for practitioners that pools together both knowledge and experience, making accessible to UN practitioners a variety of tailored Human Rights Based Approach resources.

The portal will focus on providing strategic and practical tools on integrating HRBA into programming and is designed to complement existing resources on broader human rights issues. It offers access to:

§ Database of Resources: virtual access to reports, handbooks, guides and case-studies on mainstreaming HRBA into development programming, searchable by topic area, region or programming cycle;

§ HuriTALK Corner: experiences, lessons learned and examples of good practice shared by UN members through the Human Rights Policy Network. Search consolidated replies and e-discussions by topic area, or browse the insights series.

§ Learning Materials: training and learning materials on integrating HRBA into development programming including the UN Common Learning Package on HRBA.

If you want to learn more about this website and its on-line resources and possibilities, please, click upon the following link:

Best regard and good readings!