Tuesday 16 June 2009

World Refugee Day 2009

Real People, Real Needs

This year, with the world economic crisis threatening to slash aid budgets and amid enormous global uncertainty, we need to ensure refugees are not forgotten. That's why the theme for this year's World Refugee Day on June 20 is "Real People, Real Needs."

Of the millions of people forcibly displaced by conflict, persecution and natural disasters, every one has a story to tell; they are real people, just like you and me, and they have real needs.

This World Refugee Day we must remember the millions of forcibly displaced and stateless people; they are under our care b ecause they are struggling with their day-to-day lives. One thing connects them all: basic needs that must be met so they have a chance to rebuild their lives.

All of us can activily help them to achieve a better world, it is our responsability. And, remember, the first step in the fitht against violence and intolerance is... be aware of it!

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